Updates in 2011

October 10th

And now World Shaking is complete. You can find the last chapter in the usual places. Many thanks to those who offered comments and critisisms along the way.

October 3rd

The penultimate chapter of World Shaking is now up!

September 26th

And chapter eight is ready. Check it out.

September 19th

Chapter seven is done! As ever, please R&R.

September 11th

Chapter six is now up.

September 6th

Later than planned thanks to a scheduling conflict, chapter five of "World Shaking" is now up.

August 29st

And Chapter 4! Enjoy.

August 21st

Chapter three is now done! Check it out.

August 15th

Keeping with my (rather rough) schedule for the new fic chapter two is now up.

August 7th

It's been a while since I did anything here. Rest assured that while this site may have been idle, the same can't be said for me. Work and my social life have been on the hectic side, but I've still found time to write something. In fact, I've been working on a story that I started *before* "After the Vault" - one that I never started posting because I wasn't sure I was ever going to complete it. Well, after a very long time and many bouts of writers block during the process, that story is now complete and since I am currently languishing with a cold a final proofing has seen the first chapter ready to go online at last.

"World Shaking" is the second sequel to my old fic Fallen Stars, and takes place not long after the first sequel "Shooting for the Moon". I'm aware those two fics are looking pretty amaturish now, but considering how much I had planned for that continuity this story just wouldn't stay shelved.

I will be posting it one chapter a week from now, after which I will probably lapse into another long silence since I don't have anything else up my sleeve just now. But who cares? New Story! As ever, please drop me some feedback.

This site has been designed and created by David R. King.
Some of you may also know me as 'Nutzoide'!
All images used on this site are copyright of their respective owners and I lay claim only to the ones I have created myself.