Hmmm... Well, quite why you would want to contact me I don't know, but here is the page anyway. I do in fact have several e-mail contacts for different purposes, so please use the one that relates to what you are trying to send. I do check each of them equally, so please don't post your message to both because that will only annoy me, not get your mail read any sooner. It just helps me to organise things this way! Just click on the relevant heading.
Please do not send spam, advertising, flames or any other mail of that sort. If you do I will make sure to ignore you into oblivion and consign your mails to the depths of my waste folder. I'm also likely to block you if you do, so remember to play nice.
Use this address for any mail related to me. Any mail referring to my fan-fiction or fan art should go here. It's always great to get readers' and viewers' thoughts and comments on that. In fact any mail that isn't about the site can go here.
Use this address for any comments about the web site. Report any broken links, let me know if any of the information I post is inaccurate (I sure hope not!) or just let me know what you think. Link requests go here too. Also, if there are any big questions you think I could find out and post an answer to in the Articles section then this is the place to ask.