Shooting for the Moon: Chapter 8 Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of Sailor Moon or anything that comprises it. This is a non-profit story written solely for my own enjoyment and that of anyone who wishes to read it. The story and original characters are mine. Please don't use them without permission. *** Shooting for the Moon - A Sailor Moon Fan-Fiction by Nutzoide - Chapter 8: The Youma Strike! Final Confrontations of Heart and Soul "Humanity, we cannot survive you. Your 'champions', your Sailor Senshi, destroyed us. Now, just as they defended you from us, so we must defend ourselves from you. We must take a new Kingdom for our own, and you shall be the people of that kingdom, Humanity. You shall be made powerful, unique beyond your basic egos - you shall be our people." So Tyranya had spoken. "You cannot survive us, unless you become us. We will not live like refugees; we will no longer survive on scraps so that we can remain hidden from the Sailor Senshi. What was taken from us and destroyed, we shall take from you. But we shall not destroy. We shall create. "The Sailor Senshi will not allow us this. They have shown their will to complete their mission of genocide against us, and they have their own plans for your future, Humanity. Plans you will not be able to escape from. "We will not harm you, Humanity. Those of you who believe that, wait here with us. We will await the Sailor Senshi's attack in plain sight. Today we will see who will survive whom." *** Sailor Jupiter looked down from the rooftop, watching the crowd in the distance. It seemed to grow every minute, slowly filling the street. "They had a lot of guts to do this," she said, her fists clenched at her sides. "Do they really think they can win?" Sailor Pluto looked up to see the helicopter that hovered overhead, catching the first glimpses of them on the scene. "Whatever they have been planning must be completed." Sailor Moon looked away from the scene to her eldest companion. "You don't know what it is?" Pluto shook her head. "These youma breached their way into our time stream. The future is too changeable when it is so close to us." "Let's go," Sailor Venus said, stepping up to the raised rim of the otherwise flat roof. "The longer we wait the more innocent people will be in the way." Mercury agreed. "We are lucky that there is no traffic, but this is dangerous enough for those people already." "It is a good tactic though," Neptune said, as they made to move. "How are we going to fight without catching bystanders?" "Just be careful," Sailor Moon answered. "They are the people we are trying to protect in all of this." In turn they all leapt to the ground, and began the harrowing walk towards their foes. They couldn't make the first attack without risking even more people doubting their integrity, and that was what the youma was obviously trying to damage right now. Hundreds of pairs of eyes were on them, and Sailor Mars swallowed hard. "Where is Tuxedo Kamen?" Sailor Moon looked at her. "Don't worry Mars. He'll be here. He'll probably make his usual entrance at just the right time!" The crowd parted for them, in turns silent and worried or cheering them on, but as they got closer to their enemies those cheers turned to conflicted questions, and finally to outright abuse. One worked up woman even spat at them, and Sailor Saturn blocked the sputum with the blade of her Silence Glaive. She gave the woman a look, and at once the crowd on that side receded from the Senshi. "Saturn," Sailor Mercury said gently, "don't scare them." Sailor Saturn nodded, but she didn't say anything and instead turned her eyes forward to the youma who stood only a few metres ahead. Tyranya stood unafraid as she finally came face to face with their nemeses. Her long, slender fangs slipped out between her lips as she spoke, and her deadly sharp nails made her gestures innately threatening. "Are you prepared, Sailor Senshi?" Sailor Moon returned that look with sad sympathy. "I know what we did," she said, "and that we can't take it back. But we can work this out without fighting, can't we?" The Senshi saw Myoshiya bristle at those words, and Tyranya shook her head, her silver mane swaying majestically. "We cannot live with compromises, Sailor Senshi. We are too different." Sailor Venus took up the mantle of spokeswoman now. "You do know that you can't win against us?" Tyranya nodded. "A few survivors from the Dark Kingdom cannot defeat all the Sailor Senshi, this we know. But," and she raised her hand, "our new Kingdom?" Behind her Shivis held out an energy crystal, and slammed it into the wall of thin air behind her. The crystal hit home with an unearthly clang, seemingly stuck into an invisible hole there, and the energy soon drained out. Tyranya smiled. "Our Kingdom can win." The Senshi watched as the huge magical machine, a spiked metal shell the size of a truck, slowly revealed itself. An awe struck silence fell across the crowd as they watched it, the thing seeming to materialise right before their amazed eyes. And, once fully activated, the machine performed its primary and most powerful function. The crystals that ringed the rim of the shell began to glow again, but with a swirling green and not the empty blue they had held only moments before. A magical hum filled the quiet for a few seconds, the light growing brighter all the while. Sailor Pluto knew there could only be one outcome to this, if they had been allowed so close. Using her powers as the guardian of time, she looked forward those brief few seconds to see what that inevitable outcome would be. A split second later she turned to the crowd with urgency in her voice. "Everybody, run!" A few seconds later, and the future had caught up to the present. The hum from the metal shell suddenly ceased, and the light pulsed outwards in an ethereal green shockwave. Each of the Senshi felt the green light like a sickly pulling at their bodies, prying at their magical powers as if it was trying to rip them away. It only lasted a moment, but it left every one of them gasping for breath. The heroines spun away from the enemies in worry, to see the thronging crowd behind them. A thronging crowd of twisted caricatures and contorted cliches, with skins and bodies and clothes of every shape and colour imaginable. A hundred new youma, all standing in wait, looking expectantly at their creators. Tyranya smiled, and flung her arms wide. "Welcome brothers and sisters! Do not worry, in time you shall outgrow your child-like facades. But first, let us make this human Kingdom our own!" She turned to Sailor Moon, who looked out speechlessly at the terrible spectacle. "Heal one of them," Tyranya said, "and twenty more will overpower you. If you do not harm them, I will allow you a quick end, by my own talons." Sailor Pluto just looked at her princess. "Sailor Moon..." Then, as Tyranya raised her vicious nails out in offering to her enemy, a single red rose shot down from above, slicing into Tyranya's wrist and embedding its stiffened stem into the tarmac. Tyranya recoiled, cradling her bleeding hand and looked up to the roof of the Crown Fruit Parlour, where the rose had shot from. Tuxedo Mask leaped to an inactive street light from the roof, and dropped down to the ground. "You have enough power to heal them all, Sailor Moon." Sailor Moon just smiled and nodded, and raised her sceptre. "Silver Moon!..." Tyranya cursed herself for her naivete. Could Sailor Moon really be that powerful? She couldn't take that chance. "Stop her!" Youma leapt from in front and from behind, but the crowd came too late, and Tyranya's sisters found the Sailor Senshi blocking their paths. "Not today," Sailor Venus said, catching Kaizi's massive fist in her hands. She couldn't hold the youma's strength for long, but she would hold it long enough. Even if Sailor Mars couldn't back her up. "Crystal Power Kiss!" Sailor Moon finished, her sceptre casting a brilliant yellow light over everything that stood. It was a gentle explosion of power as the healing winds swept across the entire street, flooding the air with feathers and making the youma scream. It was their turn to feel their powers pulling away from their bodies. "BEAUTIFUL!!" Only Tyranya and her sisters resisted the urge to make that scream, and they were left panting for breath as they pulled themselves free from the Senshi. Sailor Moon could not heal what they had been born as. Tyranya looked out over what remained of the crowd: nothing but the humans who had trusted them enough to stay, and who now lay unconscious in the street. "H... How can you have that power? Damn you." She pulled herself upright, and stared at the nine who would thwart her. "Then we must risk this ourselves. Sisters, let us go!" At the same time Sailor Moon addressed her friends, tired and breathless after the effort of her attack. "Everyone, do your best. Tuxedo Kamen-sama, help me get everyone to safety." The Senshi took their cues, and both Pluto and Saturn picked their target, moving in with their weapons without a second thought. The other Senshi were too kind hearted to take the fox-girl as their target, and yet being so fast and nimble would have made her a serious problem if left uncontested. After all, she would do little on her own, but she would defend her sisters. Aretsuki, wild eyed and scared, took flight the second she saw the pair of Senshi close in on her. She wanted to help her sisters, but the Senshi were so powerful, and these two had weapons! "L-leave me alone!" she screamed, dashing to the pavement. "I hate you Senshi! I hate you!" Pluto replied with a whispered, "Dead Scream," and her coils of purple magic balled atop her staff before being launched at the speedy youma. Aretsuki screamed and leaped to one side as Pluto's attack tore into the concrete wall behind her, but that put her within reach of Saturn's Silence Glaive, and the huge pole-arm sliced down her side, only cutting fur and skin but causing enough pain to make the young youma panic. "Leave me ALONE!" Aretsuki took off on all fours, but she could no longer think beyond getting out of the way of her pursuers. A glance passed between Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn as they ran, ready to corral the fox-girl once again as soon as she got to the other side of the street. They had done enough already. All they needed was to keep up with their target, and they could keep her out of the real fight. Two of the most powerful Senshi might have seemed like a high price to pay for it, but that also played into their own plans. They had removed a full half of the wild element from the fight. The rest would be child's play, assuming the giant metal turtle's shell had already done everything it could. * The feathered one, they had all guessed, would have been the least threatening. She was obviously frail, even for a youma, and so the other Senshi had all picked other targets. Just as Sailor Mars seemed to hesitate, so Shivis did the same, and that appeared to be that. Sailor Mars scrunched up her courage and stepped forward. This was her target, and she had to do her part. Shivis, however, had her intelligence. She had known Sailor Mars was the most likely to hesitate, so it had been her that she had gone for when Tyranya had sounded the charge, and not Sailor Moon. That left her up against the Senshi that would give her the most freedom to act. As soon as Mars made her move Shivis broke into a dash, casting her arm backwards towards the girl and throwing out a flurry of feathers from her own skin, launching them like darts. Sailor Mars had to leap back to avoid being turned into an avian's pin-cushion, and that gave Shivis just enough time to get what she needed from the bag that lay unattended on the floor by the giant mental shell. Mars recovered just in time to see what Shivis had intended. The feathered youma had hefted a large device from her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and taken aim. To Mars' horror, this youma-made gun was huge, venting plumes of bright blue smoke from the ports in its bazooka-like barrel. And worst of all it was not pointing at Mars herself. Shivis' plan had relied on her single shot, exchanging the one meaningful attack she could make for the Senshi that posed them the most threat. Shivis gritted her teeth, aimed for the heart, and pulled the trigger. "SAILOR MOON!" Mars' screamed warning came only as the blue-white laser of searing magical energy hit its target squarely between the shoulder blades, and sixty feet away Sailor Moon's eyes flew open in pain as she arched from the impact. The conscious people she was helping to safety screamed and ran as Sailor Moon fell backwards, still on her knees. Shivis let out a contented sigh, and lowered her spent weapon. There was no point waiting for it to recharge. She had done her work for her Captain and sisters. She could die in peace. Except that death didn't come. She looked up to see Mars running, screaming out her tears until she reached her dearest and most annoying friend, and likewise Tuxedo Kamen had left his charges and was by her side, cradling her in his arms as Sailor Mars took her hand. "Sailor Moon, please be okay! I'm sorry! I should have done something sooner!" Tuxedo Kamen was in shock that anything could have felled Sailor Moon in one blow, but to his eternal relief she could still look up at him, and squeeze on the hands that he and Sailor Mars held. "I... I'm okay, I think. It really hurts though. W-what happened?" "Stupid!" Mars shouted through her tears. "You've been shot! Don't talk!" Tuxedo Kamen nodded in agreement. "She's right, I'll take you somewhere safe, and we can see how badly you're hit." He lifted her up gently, until Sailor Mars let out another gasp. "Oh God, Kamen, her sailor fuku has been burned right through. It's really bad." "Ahh," Sailor Moon whimpered, "don't say that! It makes it hurt more!" "No, no," Mars rectified, "you'll be okay, you're not bleeding or anything, it's just burns, you'll be fine. We're the Sailor Senshi, remember? You'll heal no problem." Tuxedo Kamen squeezed Sailor Moon's hand in reassurance. "I won't let anything happen to you, Sailor Moon. Come on, I'll get you somewhere safe." "No," Sailor Moon replied, with obvious effort. "We have to wait for Haruka-san!" "You didn't tell her to come here, did you?!" Tuxedo Kamen asked, astonished. Sailor Moon smiled. "She wouldn't have stayed at home. It's okay. I planned it." "As if that makes this any better," Mars chastised, though her worry had taken all the edge from her voice. * Surely enough Sailor Moon had only just persuaded them to let her stand on her own, even if she needed Tuxedo Kamen's shoulder to keep her upright, when they saw Haruka's red convertible speed up, coming to a racing stop only a few feet from them. "Sailor Moon!" she exclaimed, leaping out of the car and up to her future princess. "What happened!?" Sailor Moon smiled through the pain. "I just got hurt a little when I wasn't looking." "That feathered youma..." Mars said, balling her fists. Maxill looked at them from the back seat. "Shivis? So she made herself a weapon as well." "Ah, good," Sailor Moon said as she saw Maxill, "you brought her." As Haruka looked out to the battlefield Sailor Mars stared at Moon in disbelief. "Why did you want to bring *her*?" she asked, a mixture of confusion and fear filling her as she raised her fingertips, ready to attack if she had to. Sailor Moon just shook her head, the combination of pain and exhaustion making her head foggy. "Maxill, just watch. Just watch it." And Maxill watched as Haruka leaped back into her car, driving right for the battlefield. "What is she doing?!" Tuxedo Kamen helped Sailor Moon down again, so she could sit on the curb. "That is what I would like to know." For Haruka it was simple though. She couldn't do much now, but she wasn't completely helpless. She needed to be better than that, if only for herself, and her baby. She gunned the engine. It was strange how scared she felt. With her sailor fuku on, even if she disliked the style, she was always filled with a sense of power, as if battle was filled with an air of adventure. The magic of her transformation made it... almost thrilling. Now, as Tenoh Haruka, she was terrified. She wanted nothing more than to turn the wheel and flee, like those few stragglers who still clambered to their feet behind her. She guessed human determination was a wonderful thing, because she didn't turn back. She was going to do her bit to fight, and to take revenge for Sailor Moon. Shivis, now with no-one to fight, had chosen Sailor Pluto to hassle. She couldn't actually threaten the Senshi, but it made it harder for them to attack Aretsuki. Unfortunately for her, that meant her full attention was on Sailor Pluto's staff, and she only heard the noise of Haruka's approach as the car appeared through the wisps of a Dead Scream. Shivis's weak feather projectiles scored harmlessly across the car's bonnet and windscreen, and the car ploughed into her effortlessly, tossing her up and over in a whirl of yellow feathered limbs. She landed heavily on the tarmac, rolling briefly from the speeding impact, and she tried to struggle to her hands and knees. Only her unnatural toughness as a youma had kept her alive after being hit at such a speed, and even then she was barely conscious. That consciousness was dealt with when Sailor Pluto's staff was brought down, smashing her on the back of the head and putting her out of the fight. Pluto looked up from the feathered youma, obviously not amused that Haruka had come, but Haruka looked defiant, having brought her car to a stop. It looked like she had had the same idea as Pluto, as she had already reached into the back seat for the golf club that lay there. Pluto would have to talk to her later, but right then she needed to get back to helping Sailor Saturn. The sooner she and Saturn could trap the fox-girl behind a Silence Wall the better, as it seemed that the youma was showing no signs of tiring. Haruka was also reminded just how much danger she had just put herself in, as from the top of the metal shell Kaizi looked down at her fallen sister. "Shivis! You sadistic human!" she shouted, and flexing one mighty arm she punched out towards Haruka. The attack shot from her fist, the force of the punch smashing into Haruka's red convertible as she hit the accelerator, crushing the side of the car only inches from where Haruka sat as she sped off. Had that attack hit her, even with a glancing blow, Haruka doubted that she would have survived it as she looked in her wing mirror to see the impact crater that the rear side of her chassis had become. Kaizi could not take another shot as Haruka disappeared though, as Sailor Venus appeared in front of her in a flash of light, looking tired and put out at the youma's constantly changing priorities. "Hey! I said I'm the one you're fighting!" Kaizi roared and swung at her, leaving Venus to leap back to the street once again to avoid getting hammered. "Slowpoke! ... Hey!" She could only watch as Kaizi ignored her completely and corkscrewed open a hatch in the top of the shell, and got inside. It was too cramped in there for Kaizi's muscular bulk, but she knew that it was time to play their last card, before any more of her sisters got hurt. Remembering the instructions that Shivis had given them, she started pulling levers. "Hey!" Venus shouted ineffectually. "I said *fighting*, not *hiding*." Then, slowly, the huge spiked shell began to spin on its base. Sailor Venus watched, confused as the huge magical machine started to grind up the tarmac beneath it. Then, as it got faster, Venus realised what it was doing. It was surfing on the loose gravel it had just made, until it was spinning like a top. The energy crystals that ran along the side had blurred into a single line of greenish blue colour, and Venus swallowed as the thing slowly advanced towards her. "Oh boy." She shot out her Crescent Beam without any real effect, and she tried smashing the crystals around the side with her Love-Me Chain, but while she could break them it didn't even begin to slow the machine down. After that she only had one idea left. "Venus Spinning Stomp!" she cried, leaping high into the air for her improvised attack, spinning like a ballerina and landing right on the top of the shell, to deliver a crippling kick straight down onto it. That was even more useless that the Crescent Beam had been, and Venus found herself twisted off balance until one of the conical spines slammed into her. The impact sent her flying and she landed right on top of Jupiter, Neptune and Tyranya, bowling them over like pins and breaking up their close quarters brawl. Neptune had to blink away the stars in her eyes as both she and Tyranya staggered back to their feet. Both of them wore a few scratches, bleeding slightly, while Jupiter took Venus by the collar, sporting another cut of her own thanks to Venus' kamikaze landing. "What do you think you are doing?! We had her on the defensive!" Venus tried to focus on her friends' face, but the world was spinning too much. "Eh, sorry. It worked for Super Mario!" Jupiter decided to leave her there, as she saw Neptune trying to put some distance between herself and Tyranya's claw-like nails. "What? And to think we were worried about you being too serious! Just try and think of a way to stop that thing before it destroys the street! Jupiter Oak Evolution!" * Meanwhile, Mercury and Myoshiya had chosen each other to fight. Mercury was one of the least combat oriented Senshi, and Myoshiya had decided that her chances against her were better than against the others. However, she was now sporting more than a few scratches and ice burns from too many close calls, and worse, Mercury had been appealing for her to stop throughout the entire battle. "It doesn't have to be this way! Why won't you hear us out?" Myoshiya snarled again, dislocated her many arms, and slipped past the parked vans that blocked her escape route. "You think we would live with people like you? Don't you get it? Your false sympathy makes me sick. How could you people ever live with us? You would have us live as experiments and freaks for your amusement!" Mercury leaped a car a little further down and forced Myoshiya to head back towards the pavement again. "We're trying to help you! I don't want to kill you!" "We don't need your sympathy!!" Myoshiya screamed, incensed as she fled down the alleyway behind her. She needed something, an edge or even just a weapon. She had no special attacks or powers to help her. Then, as she ran, she saw the discarded kitchenware piled among the rubbish. Mercury had only just reached the alley when she saw Myoshiya arm herself. "Wait, don't do this!" The youma just grinned manically and broke into a run, headed straight for her enemy, knives of every sort clutched in her many fists. "You will *die*, Senshi!" Mercury backed up a step before, with regret in her eyes, she raised her right hand. "Tearful Celebration..." A single shard of ice materialised, hovering above her outstretched wrist. Then she closed her fingers, and the shard leapt towards Myoshiya at frightening speed. And missed. "Ha! That was your only chance!" Myoshiya said, seeing nothing but the blood that she would soon spill. The blood that she so despised. Mercury however, just looked saddened as she flicked her wrist around, her palm open on front of her "...Blossom." The shard exploded in mid flight, like the firework it was named after, and freezing shrapnel showered the alleyway. The razor sharp slivers of ice buried into Myoshiya's back and took her off her feet, her expression lost in surprise and despair as the knives fell from her limp fingers. "No..." She collided with Sailor Mercury and the pair of them fell to the pavement, Mercury getting to her hands and knees to try and tend to her own victim. "It's okay," she soothed, even though she knew full well that she had created that attack to be her most powerful offensive option. "We will make sure you come through this, okay. We won't treat you the way you think we will." Myoshiya just stared at her as defiantly as she could. "N-no," she managed to say, despite her pain. "I won't have it. I won't... I won't live with you people... Never..." Myoshiya knew that the Senshi could probably make sure she survived even from those wounds, and she was sure that anything she did to Mercury now would be rendered useless after the battle was lost. So, before Mercury could stop, her she used the last of her energy to reach out for one of the knives she had dropped. In one quick motion she swung the weapon, not even caring that Mercury had scrambled easily out of range, and buried it in her own chest. Mercury watched with horror, unable to do anything for the youma as she let out a last ragged breath. This creature had hated them enough to die rather than attempt coexist? It was a bitter pill to swallow, but Mercury could actually understand it to some degree. It was better that the youma had died now, if she had been so blinded by rage inside. At least she wouldn't have to suffer with that hatred any longer. There was no point dwelling on that sadness. Mercury had others who she could try to help, even if they were just her own friends. Maxill however could only look on with tears in her yellow eyes. "M-Myoshiya... No, you didn't just do that. You didn't! She was trying to help you." Sailor Moon watched thinking just the same thing. "I don't get it," she said to Maxill, her heart heavy. "We can live together. We've done it in the past. It's not that hard! If... If you want to, we can all work it out." Maxill heard the words, but at the same time they only conjured up the memory of her blood-sister. Surely, for the life she sacrificed to bring them all there, she should want revenge more than anything. Yet was that revenge worth their lives? If Myoshiya was dead, then that was one more death too many. The humans could be decent people. Even the Senshi, she realised as she watched Mercury close Myoshiya's eyes, even they could be good people. "Captain, S- Sisters..." But Tyranya still had once chance, as she fought with Neptune and Jupiter. One chance to salvage this battle. Kaizi had taken control of their weapon, and nothing the Senshi could do would stop it. It had been designed specifically to shrug of their magic. Surely this was enough to allow them victory, however bitter it may be. Rei knew that as well. It was her who watched the spinning metal fortress through Sailor Mars' eyes. The power and courage of her transformation seemed to have left her, and Rei stood scared as she watched the shining fortress that she had seen in all those nightmares of hers. She had been running, but her fellow Senshi had turned back from their flight, to fight what would be an impossible enemy. She now knew what that fear in the dreams had been. They would fight, and they would lose. Everyone would lose, friend and foe alike. She knew what had to happen next as well. She would force herself to stop running. Sailor Mars would fight, even though she didn't want to. Even though she knew what it would cost. A fearful resolution fell over her. She had sacrificed everything for her friends before. Now she had to do so again, because that was what it would take to stop this 'fortress', and end the battle for good. Sailor Mars, trembling, raised her hand, and waited for that dreadful touch. "Soul Conflagration Pact!" The orange hand, tipped with nails of flame, alighted on her shoulder. "Thank you for calling, my little Rei," Desir said. "I knew that you would." Sailor Mars, Hino Rei, stood there vacantly, her demonette wrapped around her as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen looked on. "No, Sailor Mars, don't!" "Sailor Mars!" Jupiter looked away from her fight for a split second, and froze. "No, Rei..." But the pact was made. Desir rose up behind her charge, and their powers merged in an almighty eruption of flame. The fires wreathed them both, playing across their skin, and Sailor Mars could not believe how good it felt to be free. Free of the fear and uncertainly. She controlled the fire now. She was the fire. Smouldering footprints softened the tarmac as she approached the spinning shell, and she raised her hands again. "Sailor Venus, do not worry. Please stand clear." Minako stared at Desir with spiteful eyes. "What have you done to her!?" Rei simply smiled. "It doesn't matter," and with a motion she poured their combined flames onto the weapon. At first it seemed as ineffectual as every attack Sailor Venus had tried, but this was an attack that Sailor Mars had spent more than just her magic on. Soon, as the flames kept coming, the metal dervish began to glow red, then orange, then yellow, and inside Kaizi found that the controls and walls had heated beyond the level she could touch. She reached up to the roof hatch, but even that was beginning to glow. "Captain," she said sadly, her feet beginning to blister on the floor, "I am sorry." Out in the street Maxill was frantic. "Please, stop it! Captain, tell her to surrender! This isn't worth our lives! There has to be another way! Please!" Now, however, Tyranya didn't need the convincing. She had stopped her fight altogether, and now struggled as Sailor Neptune held her. "Stop this! You have proved that we cannot win! Let Kaizi free, at least!" But Sailor Mars didn't stop. She couldn't. She didn't want to go. Not just yet. As soon as she let go of Desir, that would be it. "Sailor Mars! Please, stop it! That's enough!" Mars looked over with a teary eye as Jupiter made her plea. "That's enough..." Mars smiled. "I love you." She pulled back the fire, and ended the spell. It was just a single attack, after all. All that was left was her part of the bargain. Sailor Jupiter watched with relief as the fire fell away from the now stationary shell, and Sailor Venus waited with her Love-Me Chain, ready to take Kaizi into their custody as soon as she emerged. However, Jupiter's relief soon faded, as the fire did not abate completely. Desir and Sailor Mars still burned, and now the fire had begun to burn away the edges of Mars' sailor fuku. "M-Mars?" Sailor Mars just continued to smile sadly as she burned, even though she didn't feel any pain, and Desir shared her host's expression. "I'm sorry," said the demonette. "It's kind of complicated." Jupiter couldn't believe it. "No! I won't let you have her again!" Before any of the others could stop her she broke into a run, straight into the flames. She screamed as the fire scorched her skin, but she wrapped her arms around Sailor Mars as tightly as she could. Mars had started screaming, struggling against her, but Jupiter was undeterred. "Stop it, I'm not leaving you! Not like this! Not ever!" * In the blink of an eye, the flames ceased to burn her, and Makoto looked up to see the world frozen. Only Sailor Mars and Desir still moved. As did Pluto. "What..?" Jupiter asked, suddenly confused. She looked at her skin. There wasn't even a single singe. Mars didn't reply. She hadn't wanted any of them to hear what she had decided. Desir, however, seemed pleased. "I was hoping you would say that, little Mako." Jupiter glared at her. "What have you done Desir? How can you see who I am? And why can Pluto still move too?" Sailor Pluto gave her a smile. "I am somewhat involved, I am afraid." She turned to Desir. "I apologise for waiting until now, but Makoto-chan's involvement was all but guaranteed. Now, let us work this out between us, so that no-one has to have their lives taken for good. Are you happy with that Rei-chan?" Sailor Mars felt herself tearing up. "T-thank you. I didn't think..." Desir patted her on the head. "I didn't know this was possible either, little Rei. I am playing by ear, but this is all so wonderfully symmetrical! Now, to business..." * Sailor Moon felt the tears coursing down her face as Jupiter was consumed by the flames. "Jupiter! Mars!" Then, quite literally in the blink of an eye, the fires subsided and Desir could just be seen burning off into the air, disappearing back to wherever she had come from. The other Senshi gathered around as quickly as they could, only to find both Mars and Jupiter safe and sound, holding each other with tears in their eyes. Tyranya, her arms held behind her back by a very confused Sailor Neptune, just stared at them all. "What... what happened?" She looked back over her shoulder. "What are you people?" Neptune would have liked to know that herself. Pluto on the other hand just smiled. "We are human, just a little more complicated than is usual. Saturn, you can release her now. We are finished." Sailor Saturn nodded and lowered her Silence Wall, leaving Aretsuki free to run to Tyranya. "Big Sister!" Tyranya looked over to Shivis, who still lay unconscious as Sailor Mercury started to tend to her, and Venus was happily tying up Kaizi now that she had appeared from the still red-hot machine. "What will you do with us now?" she asked. Sailor Moon sat smiling happily with tear-stained cheeks as Sailor Saturn ministered to her, the dour young warrior slowly using her powers to heal her princess' deep burns. "There are some people I would like to introduce to you," Sailor Moon said. "They were called the Four Phantom Sisters. They weren't like us either, and we fought, but they discovered that they could love being human. Even if you don't want that, they'll still understand how you feel. And we'll try to help too." Tyranya looked down at the young youma who hugged her, then up to Maxill, who stood looking thankful that her Captain had surrendered. "That is... kind of you. Thank you. For sparing our lives. We would not have done the same." "No," Sailor Moon said. "I think you would. You care about each other too much to be so cold." "Do you really give us so much credit?" Tyranya asked sadly. Sailor Moon nodded. "You are willing to try, aren't you?" *** "What!? If they're all fighting the youma what are you doing here?!" Artemis tried to get to his feet, but his astonishment was soon replaced with the sharp pain that ran down his cast-covered leg. He let himself lie back down on the blanket that lined his box and settled for staring at his visitor. Luna on the other hand just watched him with a mild sense of surprise at his reaction. She had only mentioned it offhandedly, and Artemis was not usually one to get so excited unless Luna made the seriousness of the situation absolutely clear. "Artemis, you'll hurt yourself. Don't worry about them, they will manage quite well without needing me to shout encouragement. We haven't exactly been needed in their last few battles, have we?" Artemis looked non-plussed. "And see how well that worked against their last enemy. We lost half our soldiers." Luna had to accept that. "True. But we did get them back. The point is that they don't need watching, and even if they did the youma have been so public that the entire battle is being shown on the national news! If it isn't over already." Artemis settled himself properly, resting on his good side and leaving his broken paw out in front of himself. "No wonder the Ainos haven't come to pick me up yet. They'll be glued to the T.V." Luna nodded. "Probably. That is why I thought you needed the company." Artemis sighed, a wry smile appearing on his feline lips. "You're being awfully nice, too. I would almost think you didn't have a lecture ready for me about this." "Oh, I do," Luna replied, a similar smile appearing on her own face, but softer and more genuine. "It *is* your own fault, and it *was* stupid of you. But it was rather brave too, and you did it for Minako-chan's sake. I'm glad you didn't get yourself killed. If only for Diana's sake." Artemis looked at her, blushing slightly. Like Usagi and Mamoru, knowing for a fact that he and Luna would have a daughter at some point in the future had changed their relationship somewhat. Luna didn't talk about Diana often, the idea of their future relationship seemed to unnerve her, but on these few occasions it was plain that Luna did care about them both, even if she wanted to pretend not to. "Thanks Luna." *** Just like the rest of Japan, Katsura hadn't been able to take her eyes off the television screen. Few people had ever seen a full on Sailor Senshi battle, let alone one on this scale. Even from the unsteady helicopter camera it had been both terrifying and riveting. Katsura had been shocked to see Haruka get involved. Surely that meant that the other girls wouldn't be Sailor Senshi either. That was the excuse that instantly sprang to mind. But then, she rationalised, Ami would never have let a pregnant woman fight, so... As Sailor Moon talked to the subdued youma and the police, ambulances and media finally started to appear properly, Katsura knew that she would need to get ready to work. After that the hospitals would be inundated with patients, even if it was just to make sure that there had been no ill effects from the transformations they had undergone. Yet she couldn't help but stare at the heroines on the screen. How could Ami possibly be one of them? What hurt Katsura the most was that, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't recognise her daughter. Even with their bold costumes and distinctive hair styles she couldn't match even one name to any of their faces. 'Which one are you, Ami? Why can't I see you!!' And then an idea came to her. She could find out. If one of them was really her daughter she would surely respond, and from the distance the helicopter was at no-one but her would know. She could feel the sweat on her palms, and her eyes were watering at the frustration. It was too tempting not to try, no matter how ridiculous it seemed; like checking under the bed for monsters before putting the lights out at night. Katsura reached her hand into her bag, started tapping buttons on her phone, and then sent the message. Surely, even in that guise, Ami would still have her pager on her. She never went anywhere without it. But, of course, wasn't that futile? Where would any of the Sailor Senshi have kept a pager in those outfits? Then, in the bottom corner of the picture, to Katsura's disbelieving eyes, Sailor Mercury turned away from the youma she knelt over and looked away at something in her hand. Where did any of the Senshi keep their pens when they weren't in hand? Or Mercury's computer for that matter? After that, it all seemed to click into place. Ami was Sailor Mercury. Sailor Mercury was Ami: the same, and yet completely separate. Usagi, with that exuberant hair and kind, earnest eyes, could only be Sailor Moon. Minako was Venus, Makoto was Jupiter, Michiru was Neptune, little Hotaru was Saturn... Haruka *was* Uranus, even if she could not fight as such. And Setsuna. She had been fooling the parents club all along. Sailor Pluto had been there with them all, making sure no-one suspected enough to be able to break through the magic of their children's transformations. She had been allaying fears, and drawing them all closer to each other, and yet still keeping the Sailor Senshi safe from being identified. It was so much, so fast, that it made her head hurt. "K-Katsura-sensei! It's okay, sit down, I'll find someone to help you." Katsura looked up at the orderly with confused eyes a she was eased into the chair behind her. "W-what?" The young man laid a hand on her shoulder and tried to look reassuring. "You're bleeding, Katsura-sensei. Just sit still, I'll be back in a second." Now that he had said it, Katsura could feel the trickle down her earlobe, and put her hand to that ear. It came away smeared with crimson. 'Oh...' she thought, strangely unconcerned. 'I must have burst something when I saw through the magic. I had better send Ami another message. I hope I didn't make her too worried.' *** As it turned out Ami hadn't been worried so much as surprised. Once they had all made their escape from the media circus that the scene had become, she had needed to double check her messages. 'Are you watching the T.V.?' it had said, 'I will have to work late again. I love you.' And then, only a minute or so later, 'I'm sorry Ami. I must be feeling over-emotional. I will see you tomorrow, I hope. Please treat yourself.' Ami hadn't really known what to make of it. It wasn't like her mother to worry like that. Working late had never been much of an issue before, and she had *never* received an apology for being motherly! Ami smiled as she reached their condo apartment, hoping the hospital wouldn't need her mother to do too much overtime. Then, when she put her key in the lock, her eyes widened in worry. Someone was already inside. Very slowly she inched open the door, swallowing hard, and crept inside. It didn't sound like anyone was robbing them, but it could have happened already. She left the door ajar and pulled out her mobile phone, dialling for the police and ready to both start the call and dash for the door at the first hint of an intruder. What she found instead was Katsura sitting at the kitchen table, a bandage over her left ear. "M-Mother! What happened?" she asked, dropping her bags and rushing over. "Why aren't you at the hospital?" Katsura just smiled up at her attentive daughter. "It's okay Ami. This is nothing, my colleagues saw to it at work before they sent me home." "Sent you home?" Ami echoed in concern. "What happened?" "Just a little concussion dear," Katsura replied, staring into Ami's eyes. It was strange, having such a simple conversation now that she knew who she was talking to. "I am fit to work, but you know how they can be there. They threatened to take me home in an ambulance if I didn't agree to leave them to their work." Ami sighed, shaking her head. "Mother, you should know better than that! How did you do it?" Ami didn't even notice her mother's stare. She was too busy performing her own quick diagnosis, and her mother let her. "They don't know," Katsura replied, "I don't have a mark on me. It was quite amusing." "Mother! Be serious! People do not suffer concussions spontaneously. They should have kept you there and done a full check up!" Katsura's smile grew. "No, I know what it was, Ami. There are some things that science cannot explain just yet. Things like magic." Ami just stared at her. "Magic?" Katsura nodded. "It happened just around the time that Sailor Mercury checked her pager on national television." Ami blanched. The implication was clear as crystal to her. It was supposed to be impossible for anyone, any human at least, to discover their identities. "M-Mother..." "I didn't expect that fighting off your magic would have such a physical effect," Katsura said, taking her daughter's trembling hand. "Some of your friends' parents have had suspicions for a while, though I doubt if they have gone as far as I have." Ami barely even heard it though. "I-I'm sorry, Mother. I didn't mean to lie. It's just..." Katsura sighed and got to her feet, lifting her daughter's head. "I know why you did. I am sorry for doing something I shouldn't have. I knew that magic was there for a reason. It is just that, for that split second, I had to know. And I am proud of you Ami. You've been a hero time and time again, for six years, and no-one has ever thanked you for it." Ami shook her head. "We've been thanked. Even the government..." "I mean no-one has ever thanked *you*," Katsura interrupted. "You have just gone on being Mizuno Ami after fighting so hard. I remember that the Sailor Senshi almost died... and you must have still been in high school. I'm... more proud of you than I can say, Ami." Ami had never been happier to hear her mother say anything. "Thank you. Thank you so much Mother!" But, of course, she had to let the reality of the situation reassert itself. "Mother, I'm glad you feel that way, but could you please keep this to yourself? If an enemy found out that you knew, or if it was made public..." Katsura could only agree. "Of course. I know that I am a risk to you now." "No, you're not!" Katsura shushed her. "I know I am, and I will do what is necessary. Outside the two of us, and perhaps your friends, I do not know anything. As long as you know that I am proud of you, and that I expect you to come home safely." Ami nodded. "I will. Do Usagi-chan's parents know? Or Minako- chan's?" Katsura shook her head. "The Tsukinos, as nice as they are, do not want to believe. They seem happy to let the magic allow them that peace of mind. Hino-san suspects, and seems to know more than he lets on, but that is probably because he and Setsuna-san appear to have an understanding. Maybe he knows to suspect Setsuna-san of being one of you all." "Setsuna-san?" Ami asked. Katsura nodded. "It seems that your magic is a singular possession between you all. Once I could see past it, I could recognise you all, even from memory. I know about Sailor Pluto." Ami was a little worried by that. "She does mean well." "No doubt," Katsura agreed. "I may not like her methods, but she seems to have good intentions, and she is good company. No doubt she will want to talk with me if she finds out what I have done." Ami thought that turnabout was fair play in this instance though. "She doesn't have to be told. We can let her discover it on her own." Ami smiled. "She finds out everything else well enough!" Katsura allowed herself a chuckle at Setsuna's expense. "I see. Makoto-chan does not have a guardian, the dear girl, so she does not have anything worry about in this regard. As for the Ainos, I suspect that..." *** Minako hugged Artemis tightly, at least until the poor cat mewled in discomfort. "Ah, I'm sorry Artemis, but I'm so glad you're okay!" She turn on her parents, who watched the display with a strange concern. "How could you leave him at the vet all this time?!" Minako chastised them, clutching her feline friend to her chest. "I bet he was so lonely waiting for you to pick him up." Kikon didn't trust herself to speak, and looked to her husband. "I'm sorry Minako," he said. "We were... caught up in the news on television." "Oh, you mean the Sailor Senshi?!" Minako beamed, acting as eager as a puppy, "You saw them too? Weren't they so cool?" Yokozuki swallowed hard. "Yes. They were." Minako dropped her act. "Daddy? Are you okay? You hate the Sailor Senshi." "No Minako, your father doesn't think anything of the sort," Kikon explained for him. "They just do dangerous things, and people get hurt. We don't want... we don't want you hurt Minako, so please don't do anything reckless, okay?" Minako blinked. It was nice to hear them seriously worried for her for once, without telling her off. If only they knew. "Don't worry Mum, Daddy," she said with a smile, taking Artemis up to her room. "I'll be okay. I'll leave that kind of thing for the Senshi." Yokozuki swallowed hard again, and his wife squeezed at his hand, looking for the support she needed to stay quiet. "That's good." Yokozuki said. "I'm proud of you Minako." Minako almost tripped up the stairs, her eyebrows twisting in confusion. "Daddy? Are you really sure you're feeling alright?" "Of course I'm sure," he barked. "Can't I be proud of you just once in your life? Go on and look after your cat already." "Yes sir!" Minako said, bouncing up to her room with a huge grin on her face. When they heard her door shut Kikon let out a sigh and looked up to her resolute husband. "Dear, are you sure? Is this really alright?" Yokozuki nodded. "We might still be wrong, Kikon-chan, but it mustn't matter either way. We are not supposed to believe. We have to keep their secret, because if even one of those girls is a Sailor Senshi, then we can't risk putting them, or ourselves, in danger. Leave the Tsukinos and Hino-san and everyone to their ignorance. We can keep on fooling ourselves in their eyes, as long as we are cheering our girl on from the shadows, whichever one of them she might be." Kikon nodded. It would be a bitter pill to swallow, but if Minako was pretending not to be one of the Senshi, then Kikon would let her pretend. "I'm sorry I misjudged you, dear. I'm glad you told her how proud you are of her. You should say it more often." Yokozuki nodded, and Kikon stood up on her toes to kiss him. "If only she knew the real reason." *** "So," Grandpa Hino asked, as he sat with his single visitor, a cup of tea slowly cooling in front of his cushion, "that explains it. At least she will have Mako-chan and yourself with her." He looked up from the limpid beverage, and for once he actually looked as old as he truly was. "Will I live to see it happen?" Setsuna shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Hino-san." Grandpa Hino let out a sigh of relief. "Good. I hope you will take good care of her for me, Setsuna-dono." Setsuna smiled a little at the respectful suffix, while the priest himself seemed to regain some of his bounce. "So," he said, "how long have I got, Pluto-chan?" Setsuna chuckled at his show of cheek. "Long enough, Hino-san. The future is always flexible, but we all have time before then, yourself included. And don't call me that. It is... inappropriate. How you saw through us all I will never know." Grandpa Hino chuckled. "Well, after six years suspicions have a tendency to add up. Especially after the whole 'Jiji' incident," he said, remembering all his confusion after he himself had been attacked by the Dark Kingdom those six years before. "Yoko-kun's theories were just the push I needed. Though I could have lived quite happily without the ambulance trip that followed, I can tell you. That was an experience, to have my own guests having to look after me. They thought I was having an aneurism!" Setsuna shrugged. "I have been told it is somewhat dangerous to force your body to accept magic that it was not meant to deal with. You are lucky you got off so lightly, old man. But this must have happened before I joined your 'club'. You really are quite the showman." Grandpa Hino bowed his head in apology. "Can you blame me, Setsuna-dono?" Setsuna didn't answer that. It was certainly not an acceptable turn of events, but the old priest had done a great deal for them over the years, it seemed. More so than even she had ever suspected. "So, now that you have admitted your knowledge, will you tell Rei?" "I am not sure," Grandpa Hino admitted. "It is more your decision than mine. I would rather like to live out my remaining years with all my limbs, if you know what I mean." Setsuna thought on that for a second. "Remember our understanding, Hino-san. What you tell your granddaughter is your family business, but beyond that this must remain a pleasant fiction. Anything more could be... somewhat dangerous." Grandpa Hino nodded. "Well, I have answered your questions, and you have answered mine, and we have both had our share of surprises from it all. I can be happy with that, so I would have thought that nothing more need be said. Right Setsuna-san?" Setsuna nodded, and humoured him with another smile. "Yes. Thank you for the tea, old friend. I look forward to our next meeting." The priest got to his feet and beamed as he walked her to the door. "A beautiful lady will never be turned away!" They both stopped there to see Rei appear at the top of the shrine steps, and catch sight of them. "Setsuna-san! What are you doing here?" she asked as she jogged up, her re-packed over-night bag slung over her shoulder. "Grandpa isn't trying to flirt with you is he?" Her grandfather just put his nose in the air. "Hmmph, I can have my friends over too you know. Especially cute friends like Setsuna- chan!" "Grandpa!" Setsuna just shook her head, and waved as she left. He really was a charming old man, she thought. Even if he was too perceptive for his own good. Grandpa Hino returned the wave before turning to his annoyed granddaughter. "Honestly Rei, after what they showed on T.V. is it any wonder people want a little company now? It was a scary looking battle." "Yeah," Rei agreed, as if she had watched it herself instead of living it. "Yeah, it was scary." "The Sailor Senshi are very brave," he continued, "especially that Sailor Mars. I was worried that she wouldn't make it at the end there. It's a good thing she and Sailor Jupiter seem so close. Say," he added suddenly, with a twinkle in his eye, "have you invited Mako- chan over again tonight? It would be much less lonely with her here." Rei blinked, feeling embarrassed at the apparently indirect praise. "Umm, I already have. I mean, if you don't mind." Her grandfather nodded, satisfied by the answer. "Good, good. I'm sure she doesn't want to be alone in that apartment of hers tonight either. It does an old man good to see you girls happy, especially after something like today." Rei could have sworn he was insinuating something that he couldn't possibly have been insinuating, but she just smiled back, happy that he was so supportive. "Yeah. We're... we're happy Gramps. Thanks for understanding." Grandpa Hino just nodded, and left it at that. If Rei was happy, what more would he ever have to say? *** Meanwhile Makoto was also continuing with what would have been her plan for the day, unaware that certain pretences no longer needed to be kept up. In all honesty she would have liked the rest of the day off from everything, but she didn't need yet another excuse to put off what she needed to do. It had been long enough as it was. She just had to swallow her pride and ask, or Rei would never let her hear the end of it. "Mizuno-sensei," she said standing in Katsura and Ami's living room, bowing as deeply as she could, "I know you have already done a lot for me, but I have a favour to ask..." And she explained, at length and with great self-deprecation, about how she would have to re-take her current year at college despite Ami's diligent help, and how she would not be able to pay for another year, thanks to her own lack of foresight with her money. Ami found herself blushing for her friend as Makoto slowly became more and more embarrassed, and not least because she was trying to paint herself in the most unfavourable light she could so that none of the others could be blamed for influencing the situation. Katsura would have found it amusing in a motherly sort of way, had she not known who it was who was putting herself down in order not to tarnish Ami's reputation as student tutor extraordinaire. "Makoto-chan... Makoto-chan!" "Yes maam?" Makoto said, suddenly looking up, a little bit worried. Had she gone too far? Katsura sighed, and looked up at the still bowing girl from her seat on the couch. "Makoto-chan, I don't believe that what I am hearing was entirely within your control. I am sure that your parents would be proud that you made it to college, and I think you have done more than enough to deserve a second chance." She smiled as Makoto stared at her. "You can straighten up now, Makoto-chan." Makoto did so, slightly dazed at how easily Ami's mother had agreed. "T-thank you Mizuno-sensei. I... I promise to pay you back!" Katsura nodded and got to her feet. "As you wish. Now, I'm sure you two would like a cup of tea. Or coffee?" "Yes please mother," Ami said, both glad that her mother had spared Makoto any further embarrassment and curious that she hadn't told Makoto about what she knew. Still, she supposed, it would be an easier secret to keep this way, even if she trusted Makoto implicitly. "Makoto-chan?" Katsura asked, extending the offer to their guest. Makoto blinked. "Umm, coffee would be nice. Thank you." Katsura nodded in satisfaction. "Good. I will leave you two to talk, assuming you can stay for a little while. I have not had very much chance to show you any hospitality recently, Makoto-chan." Ami giggled at Makoto's confusion as Katsura left for the kitchen, while Makoto visibly relaxed. "Ami-chan, have I missed something?" Ami shook her head as Makoto took the now vacant seat on the settee. "Really, you did lay it on a bit thickly Mako-chan. I told you that Mother thinks quite highly of you, and that she would be happy to help you." Makoto shrugged awkwardly. "I guess I'm lucky then." "No," Ami corrected, "just loved. Sometimes being someone's best friend comes with a few extra perks." Makoto smiled at that. "Best friend, huh? I haven't been too attentive recently," she joked, despite the truth that she felt in that statement That time it was Ami's turn to feel awkward. "Neither have I. But you are still the best friend I have." Makoto nodded. "Same here." "So..." Ami said after a moment's uncomfortable silence. "How is Rei-chan? You both scared me back then." "She's fine," Makoto replied, trying not to make too much out of it. "It could have been bad, I guess, but we worked it all out." "It could have been bad?" Makoto nodded. "She was trying to be noble. And she gets so upset when Usagi-chan tries that too." Ami sighed, interpreting that correctly. Sailor Mars had been ready to sacrifice her life for that one attack. "I'm glad you stopped her." Then she remembered that it had been Desir fuelling Mars' extra power. "It hasn't cost you too badly, has it?" "You don't need to worry about us," Makoto replied, choosing her words carefully. Ami was perceptive, but she didn't want her to be concerned. "We still need to get our heads around it, but we'll be okay. I'll tell you before anything happens, I promise." That sober thought brought Ami to the right conclusion. "We'll still worry you know." Makoto smiled at her, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, we've got a lot of free credit this time around. Desir won't collect for a long time." Ami decided to let that reassurance work. "As long as you will both be alright." "We will." Makoto decided this was as good a time as any to change the subject. Especially since she still had so little idea of the situation herself. "You know," she said, sitting back lazily, "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't get the chance. That was really brave of you, when you gave Haruka-san that brooch. It was just amazing." Ami blushed. "Well, I wanted to give her something, if Usagi-chan won't let me give anything at the baby shower. I guess I was a little extravagant, but it made a good thank you." "A thank you?" Makoto asked. "Mako-chan, I've been given more leeway than I have deserved," Ami explained. "They have gone out of their way to humour me, when they have every reason not to. Haruka... Haruka-san even told me that I mean something special to her. It is more than I could have asked for. I wanted to say thank you to her, before I have to face up to reality." Makoto stared at her for a moment, turning those words over in her mind. "Ami-chan, don't you think that maybe they have been trying to accept you for a reason? Michiru-san had as good a time at the party as you did. Think about it. It could have been a disaster, but you and Haruka-san and Michiru-san all got on wonderfully." "Mako-chan, do you really think it will be that easy for them, or for me?" Ami asked, a little wistfully. "No," Makoto replied, "I bet it'll be tough, but you've all been making the effort, and you've all done better than I thought anyone could. You're all friends, and you can both still be in love too. Isn't that an effort to cherish?" That speech drew out the longing in Ami's heart. "Yes. I hope that the second shoe never has to drop. But even if it doesn't, how could that work? I don't know if *I* could deal with the kind of relationship that would become, let alone what Michiru-san would think." However, Makoto's eyes seemed to hold enough hope for her. "I don't think *anyone* would know how to deal with it. But as long as you don't give up, you'll work out what's best for you all." Ami had to smile as that hope seemed to invigorate her. "Thanks Mako-chan. Maybe you're right." *** That evening, with their upstairs neighbours partying audibly like so many others in the wake of another victorious Sailor Senshi battle, two of the true heroes sat at their small dining table, sharing a large delivered sushi plate between them. "Are you sure you don't want to go out tonight Usako?" Mamoru asked. "I think you deserve it." Usagi shook her head, wearing the same smile that she had done for the past six hours. "In which case so do you. And nope, I just want expensive sushi with my Mamo-chan." She popped another salmon roll into her mouth, and chewed luxuriously. "It doesn't seem right to party though. And besides, I'm still tired. All that 'Moon Kiss' stuff is really exhausting, you know." Mamoru nodded, conceding the point. "I suppose getting shot wasn't the best thing that could have happened to you either. You were very brave there; I could have fallen for you all over again with that willpower you showed." Usagi giggled. "Hee hee, and my knight came rushing to my side. You were so dashing. It would have been nice if it hadn't hurt so much!" They both shared a laugh over that. Usagi eventually sighed, and rested her head in her hands, her elbows propped up on the table. "We did good today." "That you did," her finace agreed. "And it doesn't look like we'll get a witch hunt for the youma after all. Everyone is too busy thanking the Sailor Senshi to notice the bad guys have been spirited away. By the time the thought occurs to them the youma will be so well hidden they'll never find them." Usagi nodded, picking out another of the choicest sushi. "Koan- san looked delighted to have more potential help, and a real makeover challenge. I swear, I was never as addicted to makeup as those sisters are. Well, almost, but not quite." "What do you think they'll do now?" Mamoru asked, subtly taking the cucumber rolls that Usagi was working her way around. Usagi shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe they'll help Koan-san and her sisters with their cosmetics store. The big youma - was it Kaizi? - I bet she'll want to go back to that fitness company, even if she can't use the same disguise. I'm sure it will work out. As long as they don't try draining peoples' energy again, I'm sure they'll never be noticed, and they can live happily." "They will have to eat, you know," Mamoru put in, but Usagi didn't seem worried. "They don't need much though, do they," she said, giving them the benefit of the doubt. "All the energy they harvested before, most of that went into their machine. If they only take what they need... And Koan-san and her sisters seemed willing to donate a little. Maybe if the scientist one can really set it up under the cover of a medical check-up or something... or like a blood drive..." Mamoru was glad to hear his fiancee's thoughts. "As long as you are okay with that. I don't think we can expect them to give up their necessities just in order to fit in." That was Usagi's opinion as well. "We can trust them, I think. And anyway, I'm sure that Sailor Pluto will be keeping a very good eye on them. She still checks up on the cosmetics shop, though I don't think they know that." "It all turned out for the best then, almost," Mamoru said. "Did Rei-chan ever tell you what happened to her? I am assuming that the demon showing up again was not a harbinger of good news." Usagi shook her head. "No. Well, she didn't say anything apart from that it wouldn't happen again. And she seemed okay with that." "Did you believe her?" Usagi grinned. "Nope, but as long as she's okay, I'll trust her. Rei-chan wouldn't lie about it if it was important. Open wide." She held up another piece of sushi between finger and thumb, and fed it to her obliging fiance, who closed his mouth around the savoury treat and the fingers that had held it. "Oi, Mamo-chan!" Usagi giggled. "I need those!" Mamoru smiled around his food and released the captive digits, before he returned the favour and held up his own next roll, which met similar results. Usagi grinned, nibbling on both the rice and Mamoru's fingers before letting them free. "There, now we're even." Mamoru cocked an eyebrow, and looked down to see the last piece on the plate. He glanced up to see Usagi noticing the exact same thing. They shared the same ready smile. The challenge was on. To the winner would go the spoils, and to the loser, the pleasure of being made up to! *** The sunlight was warm on Rei's back next morning. She lay on her bed, the covers crumpled up against the wall, and watched as Makoto dressed for the day. She glanced at her clock, and yawned loudly, as if to make a point. "Makotooo, it's too early. Why are you up already?" Makoto looked over her shoulder once she had pulled her head out of her top. "Oh, sorry, did I wake you?" Rei shook her head, and managed to remain thoroughly unconvincing. "Nope," she replied, letting her head flop back onto the pillow, which made her rather dramatic bed-hair even more comical; like an unshorn dust bunny, as drawn by Usagi. She didn't bother to pull the covers back over herself though. The sunlight on her back was too nice for that. "You're not going to run around the shrine at this hour are you?" Makoto smirked at the idea. "Why not? Your grandpa is up already." Rei closed her eyes and smiled. "That's the reason why not! I don't want that old pervert thinking weird thoughts about my girlfriend's athletic assets." Makoto covered her chest with her arms and gave Rei a pointed look as the girl giggled. "Hey." Rei just rolled onto her side and stretched out her arms. "Come here." Makoto did as she was told, and was promptly pulled to sit by her supine girlfriend. "Better," Rei muttered, wrapping her arms around Makoto's waist and snuggling down into her pillow. "Hey," Makoto exclaimed, "don't just go back to sleep!" Rei smirked and opened her eyes again. "Spoilsport. Come on Mako, what's up?" She dropped the humour in her voice and sat up, her arms still encircling Makoto's waist from behind. "Are you worried about Desir? I am sorry I didn't tell you. I just..." "You wanted to play hero," Makoto interrupted, "and I would have lost you. But no, that's not the reason, so don't look like that." Makoto pulled Rei around to face her. "But if you're okay to talk about it, are you sure you're fine with this?" Rei looked at her. "I thought you would have wanted to go back to Seiji. I know you liked it there." Makoto was happy to admit that, but it wasn't the point she was making. "No, I don't mind, but what about you. I don't want you to go through all that again. If Pluto and me hadn't stopped it, you would have gone back for good!" Rei looked ashamed of that. "I told you, I'm sorry. I thought it was worth it. That was how it had to work. Desir would lend me her power so no-one else had to get hurt - so we could win - and in return I would go back and be her Seraphi." The mention of that name filled the air with a contemplative silence. "I guess it's like she said though," Makoto observed after a moment. "It's all very... symmetrical. I always thought it was weird when Desir said it took her years to get back here with Ami-chan and Haruka-san's baby. Now she's found her own loophole back to Seiji, and it's so far back in the 'past'. And you, me and Setsuna-san..." Rei nodded. "We are the real Seraphi after all. We were impersonating ourselves all that time, and we didn't even know it." Makoto thought that it felt too big to be real. "We're supposed to introduce magic to them all? What about Ami-chan's magic, and Minako-chan's and Haruka-san's? How are we supposed to be leaders when they taught us everything we learned? We were only novices, even when we left." Rei agreed, "But we will know more than they do. We will look really powerful to the people in Seiji's history. I guess we just teach them the basics, and they work it out from there. They'll never know any better." Makoto nodded. "I guess so. Ami-chan has figured it out though, I think. How am I supposed to tell her we'll be okay if Desir is just going to pop up one day and take you, Setsuna-san and me back to Seiji? We're not going to get any warning, she just said she'd come when she had worked out how to do it with all three of us." "We'll just tell them the truth," Rei replied, voicing the only idea that had come to her. "We can give it a few years, until Setsuna-san can check up as much as possible, and just say that we'll be gone for a bit. We know that we'll be back, after all. If we are the Seraphi, we know we'll leave Seiji just as mysteriously as we arrive, and it'll only be a few years." Makoto looked at Rei seriously. "And are you okay with few years? That's such a long time." Rei didn't know. "I'll have you there. And maybe we'll work out something so Desir doesn't drive me nuts. Sorcery wasn't.... isn't supposed to be an evil power when the Seraphi... eh, when *we* first introduce it." Makoto was satisfied with that. She had helped Rei through that ordeal once. She would do the same again without a second thought. "Well, at least we've read our own history, so we know we probably come out of it okay. I guess, for the Magicians' and Warlocks' magic, we manage to work out something between now and then. I mean, it's already happened, sort of." Rei smiled at the thought. "I bet Setsuna would have something to say about that. You know how she used to be about paradoxes." Then a thought struck her. "Makoto... In the books in Seiji it said that we are each supposed to teach them a different kind of magic; one for the Warlocks, one for the leaders and one for the nobles, which the nomads stole. The Warlocks got the 'Art', and I guess Setsuna-san figures that out somehow." "And," Makoto added, the idea clicking together in her mind, "I bet you anything that's why the Warlocks only wielded staffs. Setsuna-san *teaches* them to fight like that, because that's how she fights as Sailor Pluto!" Rei nodded. "I teach the leaders Sorcery, so they have powerful advisors - demons and demonettes - who can also help them lead battles. You teach the nobles how to look after the land they own." Makoto sighed then. "It's kind of depressing. I mean, we already know that all of that stuff doesn't come to anything. Sorcerers and Warlocks either go mad with power or become hermits, and the nobles barely even bother with their magic before it gets stolen from them." "Well, it was supposed to have worked for a while," Rei said, "But that's not the point! The common magic is something we all teach to everyone else, and that eventually got evolved into stage magic and telekinesis and so on, but what about the Seers?" Makoto thought about that. "I don't know. You were the one who did most of the reading Rei, you just told us that they were descend... You're kidding!" Rei nodded, her eyes wide, barely able to believe it herself. "We don't teach them the 'Sight'. The Seers, like that slave girl, could make prophesies about the future because they were the direct *descendants* of the Seraphi. Setsuna-san is Sailor Pluto..." "... guardian of the gates of time," Makoto finished. They both swallowed in unison. "Setsuna-san finds a husband there!!" Makoto stared at her girlfriend for a moment, before suddenly breaking into a huge smile. "How many kids do you think they'll have? I mean, that bloodline lasts a long time!" "More to the point," Rei said, "do you think we should tell her? I mean, what if she doesn't like the idea of hooking up for a short lived relationship in some ancient parallel world?" "She will know what she is doing," Makoto said. "It wouldn't be any fun if we spoilt the surprise now, would it?" She turned around until she stood up over Rei and leaned down to kiss her. "I wouldn't have wanted anyone to spoil it for me." Rei closed her eyes as Makoto kissed her again, playfully laying her back down on the bed. "Makoto..." Makoto smiled down at her still dishevelled girlfriend, but she stopped, one hand either side of Rei's pillow. "Sorry. You just looked so cute. Do you want me to stop?" Rei blushed, and wriggled her way back up so she could sit close Makoto's head height as she leant on the bed. "We shouldn't," she said, but at the same time she smiled and locked her hands behind Makoto's head, and Makoto sat back down on the mattress. "But I won't mind any more," Rei added. After Sailor Jupiter had run into those flames, for no other reason than to hold onto her, Rei's insecurities had once again been re-aligned. For all Makoto had known, she might have been running to her death. It had been a remarkable gesture of self-sacrifice. On her part Makoto nodded, smiling. It would be nice to finally give to Rei what Rei had been giving to her. Makoto had been longing to since they had first come back to Tokyo. With a cheeky grin she pulled Rei back down the bed, making the girl shriek. "Mako, no!" Rei objected, trying not to let a smile break her mask of embarrassed indignation as she pulled her top back down from where it had rucked up beneath her unbound breasts. "We've only just got up! And Grandpa is around somewhere!" Makoto just grinned, and kissed her frowning girlfriend on the nose. "I never did keep that promise of a proper date, did I? Do you have to work today?" Rei looked up at her, still trying to fix her pyjama top, and her indignant mask slipped. "Maybe I don't care." Then Makoto raised an eyebrow, a twinkle in her eye, and Rei decided this was a battle that she would rather lose. "... It's not like Grandpa actually needs the stairs swept today. I'll make him give me the day off!" *** At the same time, a few miles away from the shrine, Meioh Setsuna poked her head into a darkened bedroom. It was still early, so she managed to slip into the room and close the door behind her without rousing her prey. While the room was dark, she could still see the outlines of that sleeping pair, wrapped haphazardly in their bed sheets as their arms and legs crossed each other. Setsuna smiled, and crept forward. Sailor Pluto's garnet rod was carried carefully in her hand, but she was not a Sailor Senshi just at that moment. This was something she needed to do as a woman, not as a soldier. Being careful not to disturb them she pulled away the covers from Haruka and Michiru's bed. The two of them looked very peaceful, half wrapped around each other as Haruka snored quietly and Michiru murmured faintly into her pillow. In typical fashion Haruka was under clad once again, but Setsuna had come to expect that of her. At least she was wearing some nice feminine panties, and not those awful boxer shorts. It always riled Setsuna that Haruka would not model the dresses she designed, but she was too mature to admit it. Instead, ignoring the temptation to find Haruka's stash of boxers and surreptitiously dispose of them, she knelt down next to the bed and brought Pluto's staff across. She would have to be quick, before one of the sleeping pair stirred from the feel of the air against their skin, but she took a moment to smile as she looked at Haruka's unclad stomach. There was not single sign to betray what was happening inside her, but Setsuna smiled all the same. "Hello Miranda," she said quietly. "It is nice to meet you. I am Setsuna. You were quite the little surprise, but it looks like you will be a good influence." "I hope you don't mind," she continued, placing the ornate garnet tip of her staff against Haruka's skin, "but you have something that I need. Don't worry, you won't miss it, it is just a little left-over packing material, but one day it will help a lot of people." A faint trace of purple vapour began to rise from the contact against Haruka's abdomen, and Setsuna watched with a vague sense of awe. "Don't worry, little one. I will make sure that you have a power of your own one day. Just don't tell your parents. We don't want them to worry before it is time." The vapour soon ebbed, and Setsuna watched as the strange inert magic swirled within the gem of her staff, before looking back to Haruka's stomach. "Thank you Miranda. You can go back to sleep now. I will see you again soon." Setsuna paused as Haruka stirred slightly, and the slumbering young woman rolled over onto her side. "Enjoy your lie in, Haruka, Michiru," Setsuna whispered. Then she slipped out as quietly as she had come in, to begin her studies. At least until Hotaru appeared for breakfast, she amended to herself. It was strange to think that Sailor Saturn, a harbinger of destruction who had filled her with such deathly fear for the future, could have become her own beloved daughter, and have ended up being such a similarly good influence on them all. She would make a very capable older sister indeed. *** Ami looked at her hair in the mirror as she combed it, wondering whether it was high time to have it cut at last. It was that little bit longer again, and was moving from 'grown out' into the territory of 'untidy'. She liked it being a little longer, like it had been those few weeks before, when she had had too much else to think about besides her appearance, but it was high time she did something with it. It wouldn't do to look too lax when the new university year started. She had always been a little proud that she could be the presentable face of bookish student life. But, in reality, that was just a distraction. Her mother had given her the message before leaving for work, and had been far too kind about it not to have been a little worried. Ami and Haruka had not been able to see much of each other, with Ami preparing for new classes for over a week and Haruka and Michiru getting back into their high profile lives, but Haruka had called. She wanted Ami to meet her at the Tenoh/Kaioh/Meioh house. There was something they needed to talk about. It saddened her as she made herself presentable, but Ami had expected something like this. It was not timed as well as it could have been, but then these things happened. Once Ami had finished she picked up her one and only bag, locked the door behind her as she left, and made the walk to Haruka's. It was a reasonable distance, but it gave her time to think. Over these last few weeks Makoto had been proved right. Haruka had made time for her, when their circumstances had permitted it. Michiru had been more distant and quiet about the situation, but Ami had most likely been the same towards her. They had all been amicable, allowing each other space when needed, and taking the cues as they were given. But, naturally, something had to change. Ami and Haruka had started to regret the lack of time they could spend together, and Ami felt guilty about the amount of Haruka's time she took up when Michiru was there. Likewise, Hotaru had confided in her that Michiru felt the same, in her own way, and had consciously tried to give Ami room on those occasions they could meet up. It had all become a little strained, because of the logistics and the over-generous levels of consideration they all gave each other. This wasn't a contest, or even romantic game. None of them were trying to win. Ami couldn't try and do that in good conscience, and it surprised her that Michiru had not taken that as an advantage. Haruka seemed happy, but at the same time it was obvious that she felt like a cad. She had come to make a joke of it, and they could all laugh it off as such, but that flirtatious humour had masked a definite uneasiness. And, simply put, an intimate relationship had been impossible. That was Michiru's domain, and Ami could not intrude on that. It was ironic that, since Haruka had admitted that she loved Ami, she had been forced to stay faithful to Michiru. They had come close, but one of them had always turned away, and always for all manner of reasons. Just as Michiru was undoubtedly jealous of Ami's new place in Haruka's heart, so Ami was jealous that there was still such a rift between them. She seemed to reach her destination before she knew it, and Haruka was there to open the door, and usher her inside. "Good morning Ami. I'm glad you came." Ami smiled, despite her fears. It didn't matter how much she thought about it, she was always happy to hear Haruka's voice sound so kind. "Haruka, I'm sorry, but can we move past the pleasantries today. As happy as I am to see you again after all my study preparations, I know there is a reason you asked me here." Haruka nodded, swallowing her prepared line, and lead her inside. "Yes, that's true." She sat herself down on her favourite chair, and offered Ami the settee. "Ami, I know things have got a bit tense for us. I don't like seeing you like that, or Michiru." Ami nodded, glad to hear Michiru's name there. It would hurt, but at least it would be honest. "And," Haruka continued, "I know it's your birthday in a few days, just after your new term starts." Ami looked up in surprise. It was true, she would be the last of the 'Inners' to turn twenty, and in less than a week but... "But we thought we could offer you a present a little early," Haruka finished. She looked at Ami seriously, but wore a genuine and slightly hopeful smile. "Would you like to live here? With us." Ami almost choked. "W-what? Haruka, how can you say..." Haruka didn't let her finish. "Ami..." she said, trying to collect her own thoughts enough to explain properly. "We seem to be working when we are all together, don't we? I know it's a delicate situation, but it seems that it troubles us most when we have to be making time for each other. Both you and Michiru, you keep trying so hard to 'play fair', and that is making you both act awkwardly when the other isn't around! I want to love you as an equal Ami, and I want Michiru to stop hiding from you." "Hiding?" Ami echoed. "Haruka, she can't want this. I don't even know if I can believe it." "Ask her," Haruka replied. "We all talked about this." She turned away from Ami and looked at the door to the hall. "Michiru. I know you are there." Ami just watched as the door swung open, and she saw Michiru leaning against the frame. "Michiru-san." Michiru sighed, and walked over to take her own favourite seat, staring at her hands. "You're right Ami-chan," Michiru said. "I don't want this..." Ami was about to speak, but Michiru forged ahead. "But I'm not the only one I have to consider. You are a good friend, Ami-chan, and I am tired of exhausting myself over this. I never expected this contest of ours to last. I thought that either Haruka would choose you, or you would decide not to pursue her any longer. As long as I continued to love her, without backing down, I thought one of our relationships would prevail. "But you didn't back down, and yet Haruka didn't choose one of us over the other. Now, Hotaru is convinced that you are as much a part of this family as any of us, and I cannot think of any rational reason why she should not, despite my best efforts." She looked up, smiling in resolution. "In our inaction, my choice has been made for me. I will not leave my family, but at the same time I would never be able to forgive myself if I went back on my word. You are going to be yet another very unique 'father' Ami-chan, and I will not deny you the chance to see your child grow up." She looked over to Haruka's stomach, and then back to Ami. "She will start showing eventually. That is as definite a beginning of that life as we will be able to understand. I am prepared to be Michiru-mama for a second child, I am even looking forward to it a little, and I am willing to learn to live with you as 'Ami-papa'." Haruka nodded. "That's the reason," she finished for her. "If you want to, then we won't have to worry about who is overstepping whose bounds, because we'll all be here, and I'll try to be fair too. I know Hotaru and Setsuna would both be happy to have you. I have to go and get my first ultrasound soon too. It's scheduled for the ninth." The ninth of September, Ami thought. Just one day before her birthday. Ami looked to Michiru again. "But... what about..." "If you are worried about sleeping arrangements," Michiru said, "we have more rooms here than we need." And she went beyond that, just to make herself clear. "I don't think I can share a bed with you both, Ami-chan. But if we are going to live together, we shall have to try and be fair. Can you live with that?" "I... don't know," Ami replied honestly. "But I have known that you two have been with each other all this time. I've been so jealous of that, but I still love Haruka." Michiru nodded, letting out a sigh. "Then I suppose it will have to be my turn to know what that feels like. Maybe it is fitting." Ami shook her head. "I haven't said I will accept." "But you will," Michiru said. "As hard as it might be, we will both continue to try our best. We will just stop pretending that we still think of it as a competition." Haruka, however, was far more practical about the matter. "If you don't want to, then that's okay Ami. It is quite selfish of me to suggest it." "Selfish?" Ami asked, breaking into a trembling smile. "I never thought... I want to! I want to try. But only if you mean it, both of you." Haruka nodded without a thought, smiling from ear to ear. Michiru still had her reservations, but she paused only briefly. She had already made her decision. Following through with it might be difficult, but she was not going to surrender now. "You do not need my permission Ami-chan. I said that I am willing to learn how to do this, if you want to be here. As long as you let me cry myself to sleep tonight." She said it with a laugh, but it was obvious how much she was worried about the idea of her first night knowing Haruka was with someone besides herself. "And don't look like that Ami-chan. I can endure a little more heartache. I simply do not have your strength yet." Ami looked concerned, and got to her feet. "It's not strength Michiru-san. I just... I know how it has to be for you both. And please don't say that. I wouldn't be able to stay tonight anyway." She turned to Haruka. "I have to talk to my mother, and there is a lot to sort out." "Do you think she won't understand?" Haruka asked. To their surprise Ami shook her head. "I think she might be concerned, but she and I have reached an understanding. As long as it is you, she will not object, as long I assure her that it is all alright. If nothing else, she knows that I am old enough to make my own mistakes!" Then, from behind her, Hotaru's voice drifted into the room. "Is it alright to come in yet?" Haruka and Michiru nodded and Hotaru, clad in a lavender sundress, walked in with a hesitant air. "It's okay, Ami-papa?" Ami stood staring at her open and honest face as she joined them, and all at once she burst into tears. Hotaru looked mortified as Ami hugged her, sobbing openly over her shoulder. "Ami-san! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!" "It's okay," Ami sobbed, holding the girl. "Oh God, I never thought this could happen." She choked back her tears and stood back up straight. "I'm sorry Hotaru-chan. You really don't think I'm intruding?" Hotaru sighed, realising what Ami was thinking, and shook her head. "I'm not a child any more Ami-papa. You've all been happy together already, so this is just the next step, right? It would be a shame if you couldn't be here for my little brother or sister too. And anyway," she said with a smile, "I like having my parents as friends too. So, getting a friend for a new parent, sort of, is kind of nice." Michiru had to admit, her daughter made it sound so simple. "Come on Hotaru, we have to go and tell Setsuna." "Like I said," the teenaged girl sighed, "I'm not a child any more Michiru-mama." Of course, while she wasn't a child, she was sensitive enough not to say exactly why they were leaving Haruka and Ami to it. She just coloured a little and made for the door while Michiru followed, explaining that she knew what it was like, but that she wasn't ready to have her little girl explaining that she understood too much just yet. "So," Haruka said, getting to her feet and wiping away the tears on Ami's cheeks, "you do want to live here?" Ami nodded, beaming. "I've never had a better present." She looked down, before wrapping her arms around the taller woman. "I know what Michiru-san means. I don't think I can... be there with you both..." "I'm not asking you too," Haruka said, returning the embrace. "I don't know how it will work either." Ami nodded into Haruka's shirt. "I love you though. I'll try my best, and I'll do everything I can to make Michiru-san happy too. And Hotaru-chan, and Setsuna-san." She found herself laughing. "This is going to be so strange!" "I think Hotaru has it right," Haruka replied. "It's only a little stranger than what we are used to here, at least from the outside." "So," Ami asked, picking up that observation, "what will you tell your fans about us all, and the baby? It will be hard to explain." Haruka shrugged. "Who says we have to say anything? It was a dear and trusted donor, and we of all people don't need any more reasons to have another resident here. People have always thought what they like about Michiru, Setsuna and myself. Now they can speculate about you too, if they want." She lifted Ami's head from her shirt. "If we have to, we can make something up. As long as you are okay with people speculating. It doesn't bother us, but I know Hotaru doesn't like it." "I can ignore people whispering," Ami replied. "I learned not to pay any attention to it at school." She leaned up, and her lips touched against her new partner's. "Thank you Haruka," she whispered, allowing her tears to flow again. "I love you." Haruka leaned into the kiss, stroking away Ami's new tears with her thumb as she held her. "Sorry I got you into all this," she said. "But I love you too." Then she cracked a smile, and pulled them together until their stomachs touched. "So, do you think you can come for the ultrasound?" Ami had to giggle at how exited Haruka sounded. She had to admit, her own heart skipped a beat at the thought. "I will be able to manage something." *** At the back of the house Michiru sighed, watching as Setsuna stared intently at her Garnet Rod. Hotaru had been happy to head back to her room, leaving her to inform Setsuna of Ami's answer, and in typical fashion Setsuna hadn't seemed in the least surprised. Instead she just looked up from her Senshi staff. "Are you okay?" Michiru nodded. "I'll be fine. Ami-chan isn't staying tonight anyway. At least I can cry into Haruka's arms." Setsuna gave her the same look that Ami had, and Michiru let out another sigh. "Setsuna, don't. It has been decided, and we never said it would be easy. They have their own misgivings as well. The least we can do is try and make it work." "And," she added, moving over to lean against the wall beside her co-mother's desk, "even if it doesn't work, you're the one who said it. We will always have our times together and our times apart, and it will always be for the best. Right?" Setsuna nodded, smiling to herself. "Something like that. Do not worry Michiru. I think Ami-chan will surprise you. You might surprise yourself as well." Michiru shook her head at Setsuna's elliptical advice. "Would you care to elaborate on that, or is this a mystical prophesy to keep me occupied at night?" Setsuna chuckled. "You will be beside them at the ultrasound, won't you?" Michiru paused, and her expression softened. "Yes. Of course I will." "There you are," Setsuna replied. "Isn't that all the reassurance you need?" Michiru looked at her with deadpanned eyes. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" "Yep." But, as exasperating as Setsuna was at times, Michiru could see her point. She would be there together with Haruka and Ami to see their new child, and when that happened, at least for that short while, she doubted that anything else would matter. For all the complications Ami had brought, it was a wonderful gift. The thought brought a warm flush to her. She was going to be a mother again. One of three, true, but that was the kind of motherhood she knew. And, thinking back to Hotaru's all too brief childhood, she wouldn't have traded it for the world. She smiled to herself, and shook her head. "I wonder what the others are going to think of this." "I don't know," Setsuna said, a hint wickedness tweaking at her smile. "It is all so scandalous Michiru: lesbians living under the same roof as other women, and all masquerading as parents to boot! But with all of our girls, I am thinking a certain surprise birthday party would sound about right." Michiru's smile wavered, only to be replaced with an impish smirk as she imagined Ami on the receiving end. A very red faced Ami, holding her hands in her lap, driven mute by the embarrassment of it! Once Michiru had got that good, heart-aching cry out of her system it would be the ideal sort of revenge. "You know Setsuna, I think you might be right." *** The End *** Author's Note: Well, there it is. It's been a fun trip. Almost two years in the making if you include Fallen Stars. My most sincere thanks to everyone who has kept reading for all this time. I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as I have. Please send any comments and constructive criticism to: They are always greatly appreciated, and there is no better reward for a writer than to hear back from the readers. Many thanks to Richard King for his proofreading assistance. (c) Nutzoide 2007